Enjoy the Wairarapa dark sky!
Check out Destination Wairarapa’s page on dark sky activities, and take the chance to see the night sky with excellent equipment and expert guides.
Astrotourism is a growing trend, both nationally and internationally. Destination Wairarapa is keen to support businesses that want to develop astrotourism opportunities or that have ideas about adding a dark sky element to existing tourist activities.

Join an astronomical society
Join an astronomical society and learn about the night sky alongside other people who are passionate about astronomy, or get involved in projects for observing and photography of astronomical objects:
The Phoenix Astronomical Society
The Wairarapa Astronomical Society
Listen to Wairarapa’s experts
Listen to some of Wairarapa’s experts on the night sky on Arrow FM:
Take part in a Matariki event
Every winter there are traditional celebrations of Matariki. Wairarapa has a range of events each year – check out community web pages and noticeboards.